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Healthy Eating for a Healthy Heart Lifestyle

Posted on March 23, 2020 by Julia Valdez

edamame healthy eating

National Heart Month month has come and passed, but just because the event is over, it doesn’t mean that you should drop the habit of eating healthy food. One way you can promote healthy eating is by choosing healthier alternatives to your usual snacks. 

Why You Should Choose Healthy Eating Habits

When it comes to your health, it’s important that you consider all the factors. Diet and exercise are two things that can greatly affect your health. These are two things that can also change your lifestyle in general. In order to be healthy, you should consider having proper eating habits and lifestyle.

Heart Disease

Coronary heart disease is caused by atherosclerosis, the narrowing of arteries. This is often correlated to the build-up of fat that forms a plaque and clogs the arteries, which is more likely to form a blood clot.

A heart attack or myocardial infarct often occurs when the blood clot blocks an artery and obstructs the blood flow of the heart. This can disrupt the supply of oxygen and can cause major damage to heart cells, sometimes leading to death. 

One of the ways you can the risk of getting a heart attack is by making sure that you have a healthy diet. Edamame can help in keeping your risk of heart disease low because it’s said to lower cholesterol. Seapoint farms produce edamame alternatives to rice and pasta, which is good if you want to start on a healthier diet.

If you or your family have a history of hypertension, then you are already at risk of heart disease and diabetes. These conditions are heavily influenced by diet and exercise, but you should consider changing your diet before working out. What you eat affects how your body processes things, so it’s important to adjust your diet now to prevent graver disorders in the future.


Hypertension or high blood pressure happens when your blood pressure is raised to unhealthy levels. Blood pressure measurement measures how much blood is passing through the blood vessels and the resistance the blood encounters while the heart is pumping blood. 

healthy eating blood pressure

One of the things that can cause resistance are narrow arteries, the more narrow your arteries, the higher your blood pressure. In the long run, if your blood pressure remains high, you are at a higher risk of getting heart disease among other health issues. 

Hypertension can develop over the span of several years, and can often be asymptomatic. Regardless of symptoms, high blood pressure can damage your blood vessels and organs. 

There are multiple treatments for high blood pressure, including a lifestyle change and prescription medication. If this condition isn’t managed, then it could lead to worse health issues including a heart attack or stroke. 

Hypertension is also correlated with coronary heart disease. If you maintain a healthy diet, with low cholesterol then you are at a lower risk of developing coronary heart disease.

Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that is triggered by eating gluten. Gluten triggers the white blood cells to attack the villi of your small intestine. Villi help you digest food normally and without it, your body will not be able to absorb minerals, vitamins, and important nutrients from food.

Your genes play a role in whether or not you acquire this disease. There are two specific genes that are linked to this disease, and if you don’t have one of these two, then your chances of developing the disease are low.

Edamame and its Benefits

When it comes to your health, you should only stick with the best. Edamame is immature soybeans that are otherwise known as vegetable soybeans. While these are commonly eaten after steaming, some use it as a replacement for rice and pasta. This way, they can continue to eat their favorite foods but made with this healthy ingredient.

White flour is a common ingredient in some cult favorites including pizza, bread, burgers, pasta, and doughnuts. While these are tempting treats, they are not healthy and eating them on a regular basis doesn’t give you any nutrition in the long term. White flour is otherwise known as glue for the gut, because it slows down digestion rather than boosts it. The slowing of digestion is correlated to weight gain and constipation. 

One of the biggest trends in dieting is going gluten-free. For some people, it’s important that they cut out gluten because of a disease they have. People with Celiac disease and wheat allergies should avoid gluten. However, people who don’t have these conditions also avoid gluten. While it may not have obvious adverse effects, a gluten-free diet means that you are eating healthier. 

gluten free diet

Edamame is a great soy product for people with diabetes. As mentioned previously in this article, this will not increase your blood sugar. It has low carb content compared to its protein and fat content and does not have a high glycemic index. The glycemic index measures the level at which food raises blood sugar levels. 

If you or your family have a history of any of the diseases listed, then you should really consider switching to healthier food options. Eating healthy is the easiest way to keep healthy, and Seapoint Farms has come up with different options writing papers so that you can choose healthier alternatives and also snacks.

Your health begins with your habits, so you should choose healthier food options.

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