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Healthy Snacks off the Shelf and Ready to Eat

Posted on November 25, 2019 by Julia Valdez

supermarket healthy snacks

A huge question for people on a healthy diet is. “Where can I find healthy snacks?

We all know that healthy eating begins with preparing your own healthy food. This is because processed foods aren’t healthy. The processes themselves tend to reduce the nutritional content of foods. Because processing also takes time, these foods degrade before you can buy and eat them.

For most people, growing fresh foods themselves or buying and preparing them on a daily basis is too much of a strain. We live in an age where every day is a hustle. People simply do not have enough time or energy. But that’s a vicious cycle, since eating fast foods causes imbalances in the body that lead to reduced energy and chronic fatigue among other problems.

The problem seems to have no solution. It’s so hard to find healthy eating alternatives in the packaged snacks range. Most snack foods are processed and use ingredients that are notoriously unhealthy. All the sugars and artificial ingredients and animal-derived additives make them horrible for your health. And without ready to eat snacks that are good for you, what can be done?

Finding Healthy Snacks is Not that Hard

More and more people nowadays are serious about switching to a healthy diet. The problem is, it has been so difficult to find healthy food options, most especially healthy snacks. This dilemma is exactly the reason that healthy snacks like Freedom Bar were created.

Freedom Bar was developed as not just a healthy eating solution but as a way of life – the healthy life. This brand of healthy snacks are suitable for vegans and keto dieters. They are whole food nutrition snacks with no added sugar. They are also packed with healthy plant-based proteins. This makes them great snack bars for kids and adults who are interested in general healthy eating. It’s the solution to healthy snacks that you can buy straight off the shelf, ready to eat anytime and anywhere.

Healthy Breakfast, too?

Freedom Bars are so well-formulated that you can actually have them for breakfast!

A healthy breakfast is vital to overall health. More than any other meal of the day, it’s important to get this first meal right. But mornings are the toughest part of the day for many people. So tired, they would rather get that extra 30 minutes or an hour of sleep than get up to prepare and eat breakfast. Another health dilemma.

With Freedom Bars, you can hit that snooze button when you need to without compromising your health.

New healthy diet research reveals that a high protein breakfast is essential for the body. This is because protein helps keep you full longer. This prevents cravings for too many carbohydrates later in the day, which is not good for you. Uncontrolled weight gain is a major health concern today. It leads to a lot of problems like diabesity, heart conditions and fatty liver disease. 

Carb consumption is even more complex for people with gluten intolerance and Celiac disease, which an increasing concern. Even those without obvious symptoms of damage from gluten consumption should be eating a gluten free diet. This is because gluten is known to cause leaky gut and leaky brain syndromes, as well as other inflammatory auto-immune responses that can lead to depression, dementia, and other major health concerns. 

Furthermore, a big part of the health problems associated with carbohydrates is linked to GMO grains. The major players are wheat, barley, and rye, which are traditionally consumed in large amounts in the Western world. 

For these reasons, Freedom Bars are formulated to be gluten free foods as well. They are made with all non-GMO ingredients, by the way, not just approved gluten free diet ingredients.

Healthy Snacks off the Shelf are Not a Myth!

With healthy snacks like Freedom Bar, you can eat well without having to visit the organic farmer’s market early enough every morning to have time to prepare and pack fresh food for the whole day. It no longer has to be that difficult. Freedom Bars are pre-made, individually wrapped combinations of fruits, nuts, and spices. Just throw a few into a bag for quick healthy snacks at school, the office, or even on long trips. 

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